Sunday June 29, 2008 - Wine Regions
Is Anti-Aging Action In Red Wine And Resveratrol Real?
Results of various studies have indicated that daily consumption of three to five glasses of red wine reduced all-cause mortality by an amazing 49% compared to non-drinkers, which is great news for antiaging aficionados. Now, this may sound great and it is, but greater results can be achieved more easily. The reason that the red wine works in anti-aging is because it's a great source of resveratrol. Harvard Medical School and the National Institute of Aging report that a natural substance found in red wine, known as resveratrol, offsets the bad effects of a high-calorie diet in mice and significantly extends their lifespan. The resveratrol supplements generally contain a potent combination of nutrients high in antioxidants.
An article was published in the November 2006 edition of the prestigious science journal Nature. Researchers from Harvard Medical School and the National Institute of Aging reported on a study performed in mice given resveratrol. This anti-aging study determined that the resveratrol-treated mice had improvement in the physical quality of their lives in addition to . Researchers gauged how well the mice could walk on a rotating rod. Those treated with resveratrol did substantially better than those that didn't receive resveratrol.
Boston University Medical Center researchers found resveratrol in mice activated the AMP enzyme better than commonly used anti-diabetic drugs. Resveratrol promoted utilization of insulin and overcame insulin resistance, believed to be responsible for most cases of adult-onset diabetes. Like the Harvard study, resveratrol also inhibited the buildup of fat in the liver of mice. In another anti-aging study, resveratrol study of 123 Finnish adults, it was found that those with variations in the enzyme had faster metabolism and burned energy more efficiently. Many studies have shown that when primates are placed on high nutritious but calorie restricted diets, the same genes and enzymes are activated, leading to a dramatic increase in health and life span.
Resveratrol is a powerful agent in both prevention and treatment of many factors associated with decreases in our longevity and health. Resveratrol helps fight heart disease through its strong antioxidant activity, by increasing nitric oxide to relax blood vessels, and by reducing abnormal blood clotting and blockages. Resveratrol has shown it can inhibit both the development and growth of cancer cells, as well as kill existing cancer cells. Resveratrol has exhibited positive effects in the treatment of estrogen related cancers like breast and prostate cancer. It also helps block the spread of breast, pancreatic, and kidney cancer to the bone.
The human life can be extended with modern technology, good nutrition and exercise as any anti-aging expert will acknowledge. If we get a full understanding of the facts, we can understand how we can extend the human life span to 120 or even, as some scientists speculate, to even greater ages. Many anti-aging researchers that is more than possible. Resveratrol is a powerful agent in both prevention and treatment of many factors associated with decreases in our longevity and health.
Resveratrol helps fight heart disease through its strong antioxidant activity, by increasing nitric oxide to relax blood vessels, and by reducing abnormal blood clotting and blockages. Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the National Institutes on Aging, led by David Sinclair PhD, reported that resveratrol, a red wine molecule, overcame the adverse effects of a high-fat diet in mice, prolonged their life over 30%, and more importantly, maintained quality of life. We can expect future antiaging studies and research to prove that it is equally effective in human longevity.
About the Author:
Lee Roberts is a researcher and writer in nutrition and health related anti-aging developments. For more of the latest anti-aging articles and advice check out A Fountain Of Youth Org
Wine Regions and More
Is Anti-Aging Action In Red Wine And Resveratrol Real?
Results of various studies have indicated that daily consumption of three to five glasses of red wine reduced all-cause mortality by an amazing 49% co...
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